Elaine & Nathan

Friday, March 14, 2025 • Wichita, KS

Elaine & Nathan

Friday, March 14, 2025 • Wichita, KS

Our Story

From Elaine’s perspective

From Elaine's perspective

After a terribly confusing and frustrating year of dating at good 'ole BYU-I Do, I found myself swiping on the dating app Mutual. After swiping and swiping and swiping I was stopped by this cute face. (see pic)

As I looked over his personal info, I was excited to see we shared many similarities. One: he was from Kansas (oh👀) and two: he served a mission in Orem, UT--which was where I served part of MY mission!!! (ohhhh?) Not that those were the only requirements...but just that smile was enough to hook me. After we matched, we texted for a few days.

Then we mutually ghosted each other….

After that semester, I went to my Utah mission reunion (I served there before Uruguay). I came to see my mission president and his wife for the last time before they headed back home to Canada.

When everyone came in for a group photo, this dude approached me from behind and asked if we matched on Mutual. We both awkwardly laughed when we realized we were meeting the person we both ghosted. You can imagine a more uncomfy version of the spider-man pointing fingers meme. That was the entirety of that interaction.

Fast forward about 1 month, and I spot Nathan across the ballroom at country dancing. He’s looking mighty fine: tall, dark hair, handsome in a green flannel. But oh no! He’s hanging out with girls! My window of opportunity is closssiingg!!!!

So I saw my chance and took it. I came up and said hi. We danced a couple of songs and eventually he asked me on a date! I said no…😆
Only because I was going out of town, so we put a rain check on our first date.

Funny story about our first five dates: Both Nathan and I were taking a religious prep for eternal marriage class from the SAME teacher on SAME days but just a one hour difference. Our teacher told us that he would give us extra credit if we went on five dates during the semester. Hehe…”Aw yeah, it’s all coming together.”

Our first few dates were a dream. It felt so natural hanging out with Nathan. I could be my goofy self and he was there doing the same all along. He’s the most thoughtful person I know. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for the people he loves. I couldn’t have asked for a better husband.❤️

From Nathan’s perspective

Before I dedicated two years serving a mission for the Lord, I spent a lot of time in committed relationships. On my mission, I learned so much about myself, and developed a deep testimony in my Savior, Jesus Christ. I also understood much better the importance of family in God's plan for us. As I was wrapping up my time in Orem, Utah, I decided I needed to date around more. I knew finding the right partner was super important. I told myself that there would be opportunities to hop into a relationship right off the bat, but I must get to know more people through dating before settling down in a relationship. While on my mission, I changed my hairstyle and gained so much confidence. My ego was super boosted, and I thought I was some real hot stuff.
Before and during my mission, I had heard so many people talk about this dating app called Mutual, and I was curious to try it. So first thing when I got home, I downloaded the app. I'd never really thought online dating was my kind of thing, but I gave it a go. After swiping through all the people in my immediate vicinity in Kansas, I spoofed the location on my smartphone to appear in Rexburg, Idaho, and began swiping there. Near the end of my time actively engaging on Mutual (about two months) I matched with Elaine. We exchanged about a total of 10 messages before mutually ghosting each other.
Shortly after, it was time for me to head to Rexburg for school! On the way there I stopped in Utah, staying with my aunt in Sandy. I visited people I had served with and taught on my mission and then attended a mission reunion. I was pretty surprised to bump into Elaine there. She had apparently served a part of her mission in Orem! Not much came of our interaction there since it was so awkward and fast.
I settled into my new single adults ward fairly quickly. The second week of classes, I went with some ward gal friends to go country dancing on campus. I bumped into Elaine there (third time’s the charm, huh?). Just the day prior, President Meredith (the BYU-I president) had strongly encouraged us to ask someone to the campus sponsored date night. So I asked her. And she turned me down! Kinda. She was going out of town that weekend, but she gave me a rain check.
We started doing things together and went on a few dates, and all of it was just fantastic. I had never been able to talk to someone so easily. As I got to know her better, I was baffled to find how well our personalities and senses of humor meshed. I had a list of things I was looking for in a potential spouse, and she easily checked all the boxes and more. She wasn't the only person I was going on dates with at the time, and there were some miscommunications along the way. Such as, my trying to set her up on a blind date with a friend of a friend of mine.
Our fourth date, we watched Napoleon Dynamite at my apartment. Well, I say we watched it, but we were talking the whole time. I don't remember much from that movie. But I do remember the way Elaine and I connected. We talked about our pasts, and our dating history. Elaine told me she wouldn't kiss anyone until they were officially dating. Completely unrelated to that statement, a little later, I told her I didn't think I'd be able to get to know her much better by just doing some things together and going on the occasional date. I told her that I wanted to make things official and see where they go. Of course, she was absolutely ecstatic (I mean, with me, who wouldn't be?).
I walked her home, and we held hands like the adorable couple we were already becoming. When we got to her door we hugged a while, and then broke to stare into each other's eyes for at least a solid 5-10 seconds. Remember what Elaine had said earlier about kisses being reserved til the relationship was official? Well, I didn't! I thought another hug would be nice and she thought THIS IS THE MOMENT!!! I went to the side for a hug, and she sent it straight forward for a kiss. The awkwardness in the air was palpable but appropriate given that it was us. We laughed over it, and did exchange a kiss before parting.
There were a few other people I was planning to ask out on dates before I became official with Elaine. Of course, I dropped all of them. I had a really hard time coming to terms with having got into a committed relationship, when, at that point, I was only three months home from my mission. I didn't think I had given it enough time. Lots of prayer and lots of pondering taught me that God's plans don't always (and often don't) line up with ours. And His ways are always higher than ours. Dating each other has been such a grand learning experience for both of us. I've learned so much about myself as I've given my all to her. I'm excited for our big day! I can't wait to spend eternity with you.